7/34 Copper Golden Blonde

Product: 7.34 Χρυσό Χάλκινο Ξανθό

Professional permanent coloring line with chamomile and hamamelis. MOOD Coloring Cream with low ammonia content, hypoallergenic, dermatologically tested. Lanolin based cream, with low ammonia emissions, easy to mix and apply; it makes the hair shiny and soft.

With MOOD COLOR CREAM the colorist obtains:

- Perfect coverage of gray hair

- Total respect for hair structure

- Natural-like color

- Reds extremely resistant to washings

1x 100 ml tube = 2 Applications

Mixing ratio: 1:1


Δελφών 8, 54640 Θεσσαλονίκη      Τηλ: 2310 839173, 2310 888832      Google map

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